September Update
As autumn comes, we wake in darkness.
This light arrives a little later now. And departs a little sooner. The breeze ripples and chills. The boys start their evening “feed me” stare an hour earlier. And though the clocks have yet to fall back, we have begun to welcome in autumn. A sudden craving for pumpkin spice coffee and cider donuts, for a blazing fire and a cup of soup with bits of rustic bread for dipping.
It could be autumn year round and I would not complain.The flowers remain in full bloom and the sun is still strong, yet with each passing day, she lets herself become softer. My fervor for writing expands. I put on a turtle neck, down vest and corduroy shorts then stare out the windows of my office at the changing leaves. It is a time of harvesting all the things I love.
The energy illuminates every part of me.
I’ve had a few recent breakthroughs that I shared with a treasured, trusted few. I find blabbing about things that I’m working on is completely ludicrous and sabotaging. Explaining ourselves is not helpful, and justifying is worse.
Sharing, however, is everything. That’s where the shift happens.
When we least expect it, we enter a transformation zone, like autumn, where pieces of ourselves fall to the ground so that new buds can eventually grow and flourish after we’ve given ourselves time to go within to mend.
What needs to blow away and what needs to stay?
May this autumn help you find the soft light of the sun, a brisk breeze tickling your skin, and a mind quiet enough to bring forth what has yet to begin.
“When we are singing, and another comes into the song, we harmonize by retaining our own voice.
We can be distinct and in sync with each other and create magic.
Love relies on us being in harmony with ourselves, including knowing what matters, and what we need to let go of.
It is imperative to know what you value in order for another to value you.
Love yourself enough to make time to write (and sing) your song before you harmonize with another.”
Excerpt from Quantum Love: Factoring in Infinity by Adrea L Peters and K.P. Weaver. Releases September 22, 2021.
My Favorite Thing: s t r e n g t h
Strength. CHANGES. Everything.
You define what strong means to you. I’m sharing mine in hopes of inspiring you to jot down yours and get building! xoxo
PHYSICAL Strength. I totally atrophied in the pandemic-zone. Flabby was the only word for it. I was still walking/hiking the boys daily, of course, but all the houseboundness took its toll on me bod. I was pretty damn oblivious to it for months, partly because I was so dang busy Zooming my life away, and partly because I absolutely took for granted the prior daily exercise my body got from traveling and being out and about freely. This was why I bought a Peloton bike and fell in love with the way it and the offerings from the app made me feel. My strength is back and I’m getting stronger everyday. When my physical strength started to return… holy shizam! Life. Got. Good. Do this. Get your body strong/strengthening. Be consistent. Don’t push then quit. Get your strong on and give yourself a foundation of fortitude.
INNER Strength. For me, physical strength guides my inner strength. My body is my guide. My breathe tells me so much. How I slept. What feels stiff, weak or inflamed leads my path for the day. My digestion rules my roost. And my endurance is what I love the most. When I’m physically weak, my inner world gets all whacked out. Weak in body, weak emotionally. The gift of the pandemic is that I got so weak, shit started to get baddd ‘round here. This was good! Because I got to rebuild. Muscle memory is real. Just gotta invite the muscles to begin again, emotionally and physically so we can discover we are ALL stronger than we think.
BALANCED Strength. Dunno about you, but for me, lack of balance means lack of life. I can’t do it. It’s annoying at times when I feel that massive focus is required and I have to drop everything else. I know the big successful peoples say FOCUS is the key, and it is, I write shruggingly and griimacingly. Too much focus on the same thing? Not so sure that’s the route to strength. At least not for me. Short sprints of focus, no more than 5-6 hours, is now all I wanna do before shaking off the focus and chilling out to get back in balance.
HUMOR Strength. I can get a wee serious. LMAO. (Understatement.) I like depth. I like discussion and exchange. I love thinking about really complex stuffs. And then I like to remind myself to stop taking it all so freaking seriously. I poke myself in the ribs from time to time to tickle my funny bone, shake my head, and brrreeeathhhe. Plenty of time to get what needs getting done, done. Plenty of resources. Plenty of insight. Plenty of connections. Plenty. Period.
GRAVITATIONAL Strength. This is the big one. That sensation of strength rising from the Earth straight into you with every step. No wiggle. No variance. Some call it Knowing. Some call it Clarity. Some call it Arrogance, others label it Power. I think of it as walking through life with a blanket of Mother Nature, the dirt, trees, plants, oceans, animals, all wrapped around my shoulders. Here we safe. Here we are free. Here we are kind. We are gracious. We love. We feel. We allow. We live by the intention of a fulfilled, inspired life.
I would love to hear about your thoughts on strength and what works for you! Email me some deets?
For the Love of These…
The Written Life
It takes longer than we think to craft a beautiful book. It’s not exactly easy, nor is it hard. It’s work. It’s a process. It takes constant decision-making.
We have to DECIDE to write EVERYDAY.
Once we’re in a story, and our words are flowing to the page, we have to DECIDE to stay in the story.
Sometimes it’s more complex than that. We have to DECIDE to keep going as a writer, period.
Then, of course, we have to DECIDE what the story, page, paragraph is ABOUT.
Because we have to DECIDE to constantly check ourselves and make sure we are writing what we intended to write.
You seeing the parallel, I am? Not making decisions in your life means probably pretty tough to make them in your writing. I never cease to be utterly flabbergasted by how intertwined my personal world and my written world are.
And once I stopped denying and resisting that face, I found the more I let the two flow together, the better my life, and my stories, became.
If we’re lucky, it’s a longggg road filled with bumps and curves and trees and flowers and oceans and all sorts of wonderful and all sorts of awful.
Why not have everything be as interesting as possible? xxoo
You. Are. Invited.
What better time to nestle in and work on your story? Let’s traverse the seasons together using our voices and words.
It’s free. It’s easy. It’s all for you!
Simple formula: I post. You write.
And laugh, and create, listen, ponder, think, and maybe even transform a little bit. . .
In the Lab, our goal will be to bring ourselves more into the frame and have as many laughs along the way as we possibly can. I love sharing the gifts of knowing how Story works so I hope you’ll goggle up and join me!
Posts will be in a StoryLab IGTV series on my Instagram account. Simply click the JOIN THE LAB button to get to that. And I’ll share the same posts to my author Facebook page @authoradrea.
To Inspire
I heard something recently. Apologies for not remembering the source. Could have been from a book, could have been an article.... The point the author made was that life is about inspiration. Inspiring ourselves to eat right, put happiness first, to feel right, to be uplifted and hopeful. And inspired to make hard choices, to zig and zag, and say the goodbyes we need to say.
All of it, inspired. Because from that space, we naturally inspire others without doing anything but being who we are. Inspired begets Inspiring.
And I thought… yahhhh. I nodded, like I am now. And said it again, yahhh. Inspired begets inspiring.
Everything is this exchange, this flow. Sometimes we say, “Nope, that ain’t for me.” And other times we do the sorta same as someone else because we say, “Yes! That’s for me!”
I don’t believe we do anything, not one thing, the same as anyone else. We are unique. We only know how we feel. We are the only person living our life. We cannot be them. And they cannot be us. We exchange to become more of who we are.
I never thought of it this way until this concept snapped it’s fingers in front of my nose. And I’m beamingly grateful.
It is the time of harvest, my dear souls. A time to be inspired to do what is right for you. Being you more, gives the rest of us a chance to be inspired to be more too. Oh my, oh my. THAT I love.