August Update
Green! Green! Greeeeen! It is such a pleasure to have everything in our life so in bloom!
Did I miss the July update? I did! I was out and about on this fine planet of ours. Seeing my beloved friends in Boston and California. Hiking, gardening, writing, playing, eating, and enjoying life like never before. It is nice to be free.
As I spend time at home in August and work on Truitt 3, I find myself thinking a lot about the “where” of my life. Where am I in my life? At what point or stage or moment?
Where am I?
Am I here, in this moment, enjoying, feeling, being me? Or am I somewhere back there in a memory or over there in a fantasy?
I love that there is nowhere to go to be where we are. Yet. Traveling outside of our norms, branching, reaching, trying new everythings, thinking outside our cages, creating new ways of believing in ourselves, trusting ourselves enough to allow our voice, our style, our sense of being to blossom is real living. That’s where it’s at.
Imagine if we were more afraid to NOT change than we are TO change?
Where might we be then?
Time is Happening
“Time is happening,” Kant said. “In the background. Humans create a finite space and make it real. Not souls.” His hands moved as if he was making a beach ball. “They want to hold time still, which, of course, means they’re wasting the very thing they hold so dear.”
As Truitt’s mind connected to his words, his hands suddenly embraced a sun, with the Earth near his elbow. The other planets soon filled in around the sun. Mercury at his wrist, Venus next to his forearm. Mars at his bicep, then Jupiter at his ear, Saturn above his head, Uranus a few feet from there and Neptune a bit further out. Truitt blinked and Pluto appeared as a dot on ten or so feet from Neptune. Several more outer planets filled in as well, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris until Truitt stopped herself.
“Sorry,” she said. “I imagine when I get nervous.”
“Not at all,” Kant said. “Your mind is magnificent and has a keen way of seeing that helps what you desire take form. That’s always been the plan for humanity. To let their minds bring forth what they want most.”
Excerpt from Becoming Truitt Skye Book 3: The Equation for Imagination.
My Favorite Thing: l o v e
I love love. I know you’ve heard me say it many times and stand by it. Lately, I admit I have leaned on almighty love quite a lot. And, as always, love has been right there for me.
Favorite “Be the Love You Desire” Go To’s:
Remembering to trust myself. Yes, I’m starting big on this list! Love does boil down to you trusting you in all situations. When we trust ourselves that is the only trust we need. We can never sabotage ourselves when we trust our ability to decide what is best for us. When we know ourselves intimately, insecurity evaporates. There is no fear. And when we forget, and block out the whispers and tingles in our bodies and minds saying stay away, things get weird and stay weird until we find our way back to trusting ourselves again. It is as easy as we decide for it to be.
Clean IT Up! My body is literally a tuning fork for everything. When I eat junk “to make it through” something or pine for a glass of wine, I pause. Not always immediately! I eat junk for a couple days before I say, “What’s going on, kittykat?” Yes, I refer to myself as kittykat. No idea. Just do. And then I go through as massive fridge clearing. In the last couple months, I’ve done this more than I care to admit, yet, here goes. At least five, maybe six times. My body knows every emotion. When I am love myself, it’s clean and working well. No cravings. No overindulging. Clean living. Simple as that. The body is a big part of love. Seriously. The better you feel in and about your physical self, the more available you are for love.
Sift. Sort. Decide. When love has left the party, something is off. If I can’t seem to find something funny, easy or playful in a situation, I need to stop immediately and get things sorted. It may take me decades to get there, but so far, I have found I eventually work it out. Ignoring it never works. The issue perpetually pops up until I spend the time I need to understand what’s happening and go from there, one decision at a time.
Feel Everything. No editing, please. I’m not saying lose your cool, although I also say go for it! You. Must. Express. Your. Feelings. It’s important that you have someone who loves you exactly as you are in all ways who will not take on what you are feeling. They will listen, love and give you the encouragement you need to find love within. If this does not exist for you, please make it your mission to bring this into your life. We have to be allowed—ahem—allow ourselves to FEEL. It is the only way we get clear on the power of love we have within. Anger, sadness, anxiety and hatred are expressions of unrequited, ignored love. Pushing our feelings to the side, to somewhere deep within us, or out onto others, are simply forms of resisting the love within, a love that is always there for you, and only you.
MOVE! Not as in relocate! As in zee body! You all remember I said I got a Peloton, right? OMActualGOODness. Life. Changer. On every level. I have reawakened to the importance—no—the ESSENTIALNESS—of loving my body and taking care of it. I can’t even. I can’t. Exercise and feeling your muscles ignite and work and move heals. Pleasepleaseplease LOVE your body enough to take care of it. It carries your soul. It carries you. It is you, sweetheart.
Laughter. I will absolutely do anything for a laugh. I’m utterly shameless. The darker, grittier, more inappropriate the better. Laughter is love. Complete joy voiced.
Write. I write myself love letters. I think of it as a way for my soul, or higher me or wiser me, to give me advice, to guide me, to remind me, encourage and honor me. Never once does Bigger Adrea berate or begrudge Earth Adrea. She is gentle with me. She is the me I want to be. This process has become a spiritual practice for me. It’s weird. And I do it anyway because it feels so good! If you’re not sure, try anyway? Ask yourself… How could I love me today?
For the Love of These…
The Written Life
Rhythm and Cadence. That is the secret sauce to writing. Finding the beat of your words puts life into you and your stories. Finding the beat inspires you to go back each and every day until the damn thing is done. This is everything.
The hardest part about writing is writing. Actually carving out the time and energy to get the freaking words onto the page.
Most quit.
Many start.
Then stop.
Few, very few, finish.
Why? No rhythm. No beat. No daily cadence.
Some days you have to force it.
Like being at a school dance and you feel the beat, you tap your toes, YOU WANT TO DANCE, but don’t have a partner. You either force yourself to pony up and ask him or her to the dance floor or you shimmy on out there on your own.
In writing, the reader is your partner.
You gotta have a beat within you that gets your fingers dancing so your stories can be told. Despite the boring nature of writing, the rhythm is what gets the readers hook. The cadence of your words to the page are everything. So get on UP on the floor! Or in this case, sit on down in your chair cuz we’re gunna write it write it write it til we just can’t write it now more!
Announcing Quantum Love
I’ve been so so soooo eager to announce this BEAUTIFUL book to you! And here it is!
Release date: September 22, 2021
Writing this with my beloved friend and mentor, Karen (writing as KP Weaver) was extraordinary. And then proofing and editing it this last week has literally been medicine.
It is simple. It is mighty. 22 words of LOVE energized and celebrated. All for you. Each word has a wonderful mantra for you to take with you as you move through each moment of your life with Love at the Wheel.
Always more…
I haven’t told you everything.
It seems like I have because there are so many words above. So many beautiful thoughts and such precious energy and happiness put into this news/love letter. I love, I mean loooovvveee creating for you. Thank you for reading any of it. I appreciate you.
Still. I’ve been holding back.
I’m this strange kind of creature.
I love humanity. I love life. I LOVE LOVE. I love to love.
If I could, I would look at you. I want you to know I see you. I would let you talk and share. I would laugh with you. I would tear up. I would listen.
I love my solitude. I savor the quiet. I thrive alone. I am my best self when I write. I am whole when I create.
It’s damn near impossible for people to truly understand how I could love as deeply as I do and want to be alone to do it. I’ve had to let go of the need to be understood and savor it fully when I am. Otherwise I can’t be free to be, and become more, me.
May you be free. May you feel the love you desire. May you hold yourself in the highest regard, so high, nothing can stop you from loving yourself more. May today be a day you cherish you like never before.
I thrive in loving you. Thank you.