“To me, life—all the good and all the bad—is such a pleasure. We get this one, beautiful chance to light up among others and show them we see the good within us all.”
When curiosity leads us to INTEREST, we generate miracles!
I love to engage. I’m completely smitten with voice. Mine Yours. Theirs. All the voices. I see voice from a writerly lens. It’s our style, our subtleties, our way of being. How we talk, dress, move, eat, believe and act. When I write, I hone in on a whole situation, where it started, where it is, why it’s happening, what everyone is doing then I toss it up in the air, add in more chaos, then a little more, and as the pieces begin to fall into place before me, I seek to polish all the golden nuggets into a fulsome, entertaining, and inspiring story or event.
I believe we are all connected. The more I know me, the more I can know you. The more I share of me, the more we can connect and do incredible things together. My books are a direct reflection of me. When you read one, we are there together on every page. Nothing ignites my soul more!
I strive to capture all the wonderful understandings that slip through our fingertips, like love, death, safety, well-being, faith, trust, confidence, empathy, competency, logic and truth, so we can hold onto them for a moment or two longer. It’s the bits of goodness we let go of too quickly that I highlight so we can make the shifts this world needs. I am in love with the subtext of life. What lies just beneath our actions reveals everything.
I obsess about…
Well being and health
Those dear to me
My impact
My Dogs. My Land. My Heart.

“You are the one you seek.”
My backstory…
I was born in California, a state known for its vast diversity of people and landscapes. It felt like I spent everyday at the La Jolla shore with my older brother, Scott, who is a merman. Big and nordic and obsessed with sand between his toes. If not for him, I wouldn’t have become athletic and love the outdoors as much as I do. My appreciation and respect for nature and this extraordinary planet started very young and perpetuates my daily world.
Hawai’i, my heart home, known for its spirituality, and its commitment to community, music, and culture. No one place holds my heart more than Hawai’i. I have always felt I’m an extension of the plentiful life there. The City on the Sea, the wondrous place in the Becoming Truitt Skye books, is based on the ancient stories of Hawai’i. My blood was pierced with love and divinity from its sand, mountains and sea.
Colorado shaped and formed me. My undergrad education at the University of Colorado that earned me a Bachelor of Science in News Writing and Public Relations still serves me beyond my appreciation capacity. My first job. And my second. My first heartbreak. My first art show. My first book. My first story in newsprint. So many firsts happened in the arms of the Colorado mountains. I still love feeling nostalgic of the life I left where the buffalo roam. . .
Vermont is where I make my home. This place. This magical place that those who live here want to keep it secret holds me tight. Shhh. For me, it is a perfect combination of all of the above. Pinch me! The greatest gift of here is my imagination soars from within my very own dream home. Each nook, each cranny, is meant for creativity and expansion. Whenever I need to remember how incredibly grateful I am, I simply look around and shiver with delight and endless appreciation.

“Failure plants seeds so magic can thrive. It’s the starting place, not the end.”
I have many flaws, and I absolutely love to exploit every single one of them.
My tippy top fault is impatience. I don’t like waiting for anything. Writing helps me with this because it slows me down enough to listen and process properly. I often say I don’t know what I think until I’ve written about. My characters teach me. It boggles my mind and could make me reel around in a chicken/egg conundrum! Instead, I accept that writing is my pathway to understanding. Period.
My hope is that I infuse my work and my words with all the emotion I feel. As you may imagine, that got me thinking… Which comes first? Thinking or feeling? I dug in! And this is what I found… Feelings are driven by our/my opinions of what is happening in my life (or in my characters lives), which is thinking! Opinions are not that helpful. They are simply thoughts. Passing thoughts. Intention is what matters. When I remain aware that my feelings are completely at my will and my intentions, my goals, my dreams, my desires are what keep me on track. Opinions are simply fuel that drives our feelings. The closer I get my feelings in synch with what I intend, the better I feel, more magic happens. I am on a quest to learn to use the energy of my opinions to get us to our dreamy destinations. Join me?
My Favorite Things
To do • Read. Study. Write.
To watch • UK Mysteries
To dream about • Travel
On a Sunday • Have a long chat up with someone I love
To write about • Possibility
To be • With friends
I believe in my dream life being my real life.
I believe in study and training, in trial and in error. I believe in the art of the pivot and in letting go in order to grow. I don’t have all the answers. I know what questions to ask and what steps to take. The map is meant to be black and white, and easy to follow so that our journey is filled with colorful wrong turns that lead to celebratory destinations. How can we possibly know what fits if we can’t admit what doesn’t?
I’m grateful to have you here with me visiting the site. I wish you well and I send you my best, always.